Assigning genders to French nouns is often one of the most daunting aspects of learning French. This is particularly true for Anglophones. Since nouns have no gender in English, it can be difficult for an English speaker to take seriously the idea of referring to a dining room table (la table) as a “she” or thinking of lipstick (le rouge à levres) as in any way masculine.
But learning the right gender for nouns is critical for speaking French fluidly. Because the gender of a noun doesn’t just affect the article preceding the noun (le, la), but can also affect the pronunciation and spelling of adjectives used to describe the noun.
Not to worry – learning French noun gender isn’t as hard as you might think. You don’t have to memorize the gender of every French noun, one by one. The best way to go about it is by memorizing categories and ending patterns….and the exceptions to the rule.
In this post, we’re going to focus on several categories of nouns that are typically virtually all masculine or all feminine. Just by memorizing these categories, you will learn the correct genders of hundred of words! (Don’t forget to tune into part II of this series to learn even more!)
I. Common Categories of Masculine French Nouns
- Colors
le bleu (blue)
le rouge (red)
le rose (pink)
le jaune (yellow)
l’orange (orange)
Exception: “Orange” is only masculine as a color – as a fruit it’s feminine. Same thing for “rose.” As a color, it’s masculine, but as a flower, it’s feminine.
- Trees
le sapin (pine tree)
le chêne (oak tree)
le saule (willow tree)
le platane (plane tree)
Exception: Most shrubs are also masculine, but vines are feminine (la vigne).
- Days of week / Months / Seasons
le lundi (Monday)
le dimanche (Sunday)
le mois de février (February)
le mois de juin (June)
le printemps (Spring)
l’automne (Autumn)
- Metals
le fer (iron)
le titane (titanium)
l’or (gold)
l’acier (steel)
- Wines / Cheeses
le Bordeaux
le Bourgorgne
le Chablis
le Brie
le Cantal
le Camembert
Exception: la tomme de Savoie is a cheese exception.
- Metric Units / Measures
le kilo (kilo)
le mètre (meter)
le joule (joule)
l’hectare (hectare)
le litre (liter)
le quart (quart)
Exception: la moitié (half)
- Numbers
le cinq (five)
le dix-neuf (nineteen)
le douzième (the twelfth)
Exception: La trentaine, la cinquantaine and other words describing a decade of age (in one’s 30’s, 40’s, etc.) are usually feminine.
- Language names
le chinois (Chinese)
le français (French)
l’espanol (Spanish)
II. Common Categories of Feminine French Noun
- Sciences / Disciplines
la science (science)
la géographie (geography)
la chimie (chemistry)
l’astronomie (astronomy)
l’histoire (history)
Exception: le droit (law)
- Car brand names
une Peugeot
une Citroën
une Mercedes
une BMW
- Watch brands
une Rolex
une Jaeger-LeCoultre
une Swatch
Also Read:
Ready to learn more about French noun genders? Check this post out. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please post them below!