improve your French

Opening of cinema in Paris : which theater will you pick ?

Watching a movie in French allows your brain to memorize words, expressions and turns of phrase much more easily. Just watch your movie in it’s original version with subtitles allows you to work on your comprehension of French language. Listening to native speakers is one of the best ways to improve your listening comprehension and deal directly with the French language.

Indeed, if you want to improve your language level in addition to your French courses, movies are a plus not to be neglected in learning a language. Watching a movie is the fastest and affordable way to learn French.

Paris has the most beautiful movie theaters so why not link culture and learning French to enhance your learning ?

The golden age of cinema in Paris was in the 60’s and 70’s, 674 theaters were showing the new popular and art house movies. Paris is one of the French cities that had a large number of cinemas but it lost 254 cinemas during these years to television, then VHS, DVD and VOD streaming.

They played a major role in the slow disappearance of movie theaters. The development of these new media quickly challenged the small neighborhood theaters that offered second-round screenings. Consumers are also increasingly demanding the HD screenings and diversity programs. Today, the screen is concentrated in four poles, attracting more than 30% of the public: Les Halles, les Champs Elysées, le Quartier Latin and Montparnasse.

students in Paris learning French

Among them:
  • The Majestic Passy : Formerly called Royal-Passy and Broadway then temporarily transformed into a fur store in the 80s/90s.📍18, rue de Passy 75016 Paris
  • Cinéma du Panthéon : One of the oldest cinemas in Paris and the oldest cinema still in operation since its opening in 1907. Jean-Paul Sartre and Jacques Prévert were regulars.📍13, rue Victor-Cousin 75005 Paris
  • The Grand Rex : Listed as a historical monument since 1981, the largest cinema in Europe still in operation.📍1 boulevard Poissonnière 75002 Paris
  • The Studio 28 : First cinema to introduce the loyalty card. Jean-Pierre-Jeunet shot a scene in the Amélie film. Jean Cocteau was patron of the cinema in 1950.📍10, rue Tholozé 75018 Paris
  • Le Louxor, Palais du cinéma: Listed as a historical monument in the 1970s, transformed into a Caribbean nightclub in 1986 called Dérobade and then a gay nightclub rename Megatown. Left abandoned Luxor is rehabilitated in the years 2000 by the City of Paris.📍170, boulevard Magenta 75010 Paris
  • The Arlequin : Created in 1934 called Lux Ren takes the name of Arlequin by Jacques Tati, famous French director, actor and screenwriter. Then in 1979, it takes the name of Cosmos where Soviet films play on the big screen until the fall of the USSR.📍76, rue de Rennes 75006 Paris
  • Le Balzac : Opened in 1935, it puts forward films of authors. It’s particularity : use to provide home-made cakes, and concerts were given by the students of the art school.📍1, rue Balzac 75008 Paris
  • Écoles Cinéma Club: This cinema plays independent foreign films showcasing young international directors.📍23, rue des Écoles 75005 Paris

Lexique cinéma / covid :

Port du masque obligatoire – mask required

Couvre feu – Curfew

Déconfinement – Deconfinement

Demi-jauge – Half gauge

Distanciation physique – Physical separation

Réouverture – Reopening

Avant-première – Preview

Une salle de cinéma – A movie theater

Une séance de cinéma – A cinema session

Une bande d’annonce – A trailer

Grand écran – Big screen

Un ticket – A ticket

Sorties de films – Movie releases

Expressions -cinéma :

Le cinoche – The movie

Se faire une étoile – To go to the movie

Le grand écran – classe name for “The cinema”

Programmation des films – Film programming