French As You Like It, French lessons in Paris

Living in Paris in times of COVID-19

Since March 2020 and le confinement (the lockdown), life in Paris has changed and Parisians have to get used to new habits. If you are over 11 years old, you have to porter un masque (wear a mask) in the streets, in public transportations, in every store. The police can give you a 135€ amende (fine) if you don’t. Entering a store, you will find du gel hydro-alcoolique (hand sanitizer) and markings on the floor will help you know what is a good distanciation sociale (social distancing). Restaurants are the only place where you don’t need to wear your masque (mask) while sitting and enjoying your meal. Bars are now closed, and since Saturday October 17th, the government issued un couvre-feu (a curfew) at 9 pm. You need une attestation de déplacement (travel certificate) from your employer, for instance, if you aren’t home between 9 pm – 6 am. COVID changed our daily lives and the way we interact with people. It also changed the work place: a lot of  employees sont en télétravail (to work from home). It is pretty common nowadays that people use télétravail two or three times a week to avoid crowded office spaces. Even here, at French As You Like It, we had to adapt : staff, teachers and students portent un masque, use gel hydo-alcoolique and are mindful of distanciation sociale. We offer in-person classes as well as cours en ligne (online classes). At least, no one feels awkward doing la bise anymore : it’s not COVID-friendly ! 😊 Vocabulaire COVID-19